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Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis required the use of knowledge, learned through coursework and internship experience, in order to alter an existing building's systems.  Undergoing such an assignment created a great understanding as to how engineers actually design buildings and their structures.  Most new hires in the field of architectural engineering do not have practical building design experience.  Senior thesis not only allows for Penn State graduates to be one step ahead of other university graduates, but also allows for a better transition into the field.  I am glad to have experienced Senior Thesis and beleive that I am better prepared for the future.


Creating a website for Senior Thesis was a very enjoyable experience.  Without a website, those who view the completed report do not have the opportunity to evaluate a student's creativity.  The CPEP website allows for students to portray information in the way they prefer, rather than as a series of calculations, papers, and reports.  In addition, the process encourages firms to learn more about possible hires.  A CPEP site is a great advertisement for students looking for jobs.  I also appreciated the CPEP assignment because I have an interest in graphic and architectural design.  In closing, CPEP is a pinnacle piece of the Senior Thesis experience.

ABET Survey

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